Blog — autism family

21 Things That Make Autism Awesome

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21 Things That Make Autism Awesome

For people living with Autism spectrum disorder, or those who are living with an Autistic loved one, there are many things that are awesome about them. For people on the autism spectrum, things like jumping, clapping, and (what may seem like) staring at someone could all be seen as a part of their awesome. For parents and family members of those on the autism spectrum, there may also be moments in which they feel they are surrounded by these points of awesome. These points of awesome are not just limited to those on the autism spectrum, but are shared by...

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12 Things People with Autism dislike

adhd asd asperger's syndrome aspergers autism acceptance autism awareness autism dad autism family autism mom autism spectrum autism spectrum disorder disability sensory processing disorder special needs special needs trust

12 Things People with Autism dislike

Autism is not a single disorder, but an umbrella term that includes a wide variety of disorders. Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by severe and pervasive impairment in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication skills, and imaginative play. The specific symptoms of ASD can vary tremendously from one person to the next.  However, many people with autism do share a few common things that they dislike. 1. Being touched  People with autism often dislike being touched because it's extremely uncomfortable and confusing to them. Of course there are some who are more receptive to touch and who might like...

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10 Ways Dogs Can Help Children With Autism And Special Needs

adhd asd asperger's syndrome aspergers autism acceptance autism awareness autism dad autism family autism mom autism spectrum autism spectrum disorder disability sensory processing disorder special needs special needs trust

10 Ways Dogs Can Help Children With Autism And Special Needs

  Dogs can be a great help to Children with and autism and special needs in their daily life. These dogs can become constant companions to these children and help them improve social interactions and relationships. Dogs also help increase children's interest in activities and expand their communication skills. You may need to choose between service dogs, companion dogs or therapy dogs.    Service dogs help with the everyday tasks their owner is unable to do for themselves. Like pick up dropped items, turn-off or turn-on lights and perform other tasks to assist their partner. Therapy dogs are live animals,...

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8 Questions About Special Needs Trust Answered

adhd asd asperger's syndrome aspergers autism acceptance autism awareness autism dad autism family autism mom autism spectrum autism spectrum disorder disability sensory processing disorder special needs special needs trust

8 Questions About Special Needs Trust Answered

  1. What is a Special Needs Trust? When your child is diagnosed with special needs like autism, speech and language disorders, and epilepsy, this can be a real challenge for families, since they often have complex symptoms and can exhibit varying degrees of functional impairment. In order to provide the best care possible for their child, many families use a special needs trust. This is a trust that allows a person with special needs to access all their assets at any time, and decide how they want to spend the money, or disburse it to someone else. A Special...

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12 Things People With Autism Want You To Know

adhd asd asperger's syndrome aspergers autism acceptance autism awareness autism dad autism family autism mom autism spectrum autism spectrum disorder disability sensory processing disorder special needs special needs trust

12 Things People With Autism Want You To Know

The world is a difficult place to navigate as a person with autism due to the communication barriers and social difficulties. Navigating this world can be especially difficult when the person with autism doesn't have the desire or ability to understand the social nuances of the world around them. Here are 12 things that people with autism would like you to know.  1. Autistic people are just like anyone else and not all autistic people are the same.    Autistic people are just like any other person on the planet. They are all different, and they will not be the...

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